Alpha Wealth Robo Advisor is a platform for automated advisor and investment management, offering portfolio optimisation based on maximum drawdown, active management products such as dynamic asset allocation, financial planning and use of specialised digital assistants. For an overview of our Robo Advisor features please read our presentation at Robo Advisor Presentation or see a video of our app in use: Robo Advisor video
Our open platform allows customization and personalization of portfolios – in addition to predefined selections of ETFs for optimal portfolio, the clients can construct their own portfolio from a large list of securities. This customized portfolio is then optimized by the Alpha Wealth.
Mean CVaR method can as part of dynamic asset allocation reduce fat tail losses in portfolio
Optimization at given maximum drawdown (no arbitrary scales of risk with no quantitative meaning)
Active portfolio management products, including dynamic asset allocation products which lead to portfolios with better risk adjusted returns
Sophisticated framework for financial goals management and planning
Use of artificial intelligence (deep learning) in determination of optimal dynamic allocation products
Specialised digital assistant AiVA, with face detection and voice recognition