Convert - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

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Websites using Convert

Description of Convert: Convert Experiences is an enterprise A/B testing and personalisation solution for conversion optimisation and data-driven decisions in high-traffic websites.

Convert is used by 2.5% of websites in the A/B Testing category.

Business and Finance is the most popular main category among the websites using Convert.

Business is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using Convert.

The technologies that are most often used together with Convert are Open Graph, core-js, HSTS, Facebook Pixel, Facebook, Google Analytics, Module Federation, Google Tag Manager, webpack, HTTP/3.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using Convert may also be interested in using these other technologies: WP Fastest Cache, Fingerprintjs, Google Optimize, GTranslate, Preact, Google Code Prettify, ExactMetrics, Constant Contact, Mixpanel, Application Request Routing.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using Convert

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with Convert

Technology% of use together with ConvertWebsite
Open Graph48.96
Facebook Pixel40.1
Google Analytics30.73
Module Federation28.13
Google Tag Manager28.13

Technologies that are most interesting for website using Convert, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
WP Fastest Cache0.23
Google Optimize0.21
Google Code Prettify0.19
Constant Contact0.18
Application Request Routing0.17

Distribution of domains using Convert over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to Convert

Convert is a technology or software that allows the user to transform one form of data into another. It can be used to convert file formats, such as converting a PDF to a Word document, or to convert measurements, such as converting inches to centimeters. The resulting text after using Convert will be in the desired format or measurement unit, depending on the input and output parameters specified by the user.

Practical Applications of Convert

Convert technology can be used in the following practical applications:

1. Language Translation: Convert can be used to translate text from one language to another. This technology enables businesses to communicate with customers and partners in different languages.

2. File Conversion: Convert can be used to convert files from one format to another. This technology is useful for businesses that need to convert files to a format that is compatible with their software.

3. Audio/Video Conversion: Convert can be used to convert audio and video files from one format to another. This technology is useful for businesses that need to convert audio and video files to a format that is compatible with their software.

4. Image Conversion: Convert can be used to convert images from one format to another. This technology is useful for businesses that need to convert images to a format that is compatible with their software.

5. E-book Conversion: Convert can be used to convert e-books from one format to another. This technology is useful for businesses that need to convert e-books to a format that is compatible with their software.

6. OCR: Convert can be used for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) which can help businesses convert scanned documents into editable text. This technology is useful for businesses that need to extract text from printed documents.

7. Webpage Conversion: Convert can be used to convert webpages into a different format, such as PDF or Word. This technology is useful for businesses that need to save web content for later reference.

Benefits and Advantages of Convert

- Convert technology can save time and effort by instantly converting one file format to another, without the need for manual conversion.
- It allows for easy sharing and accessibility of information across different platforms, since files can be converted into compatible formats.
- Convert technology can help increase productivity by allowing users to quickly convert large batches of files all at once.
- It can improve the quality of files by converting them to a format that is better suited for their intended use.
- Convert technology can be used for a variety of purposes, from converting documents to images, videos, and audio files, making it a versatile tool for individuals and businesses alike.

Distribution of domains using Convert over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using Convert

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
thinkific.comBusiness and FinanceOnline Education4.98
artfinder.comFine ArtModern Art4.95
amalabeauty.comStyle & FashionBeauty4.3
supportuw.orgBusiness and FinanceBusiness4.27 Body Styles4.27
er-d.orgBusiness and FinanceDiseases and Conditions4.22 and AttractionsPersonal Celebrations & Life Events4.22
designyep.comMoviesWestern Frisian4.21
dadecitychamber.orgBusiness and FinanceBusiness4.2
hansons.comHome & GardenHome Improvement4.2

Less popular websites using Convert

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
basmotors.comAutomotiveAuto Type0.22
carcagemotors.comAutomotiveAuto Buying and Selling0.22
physiotru.comHealthy LivingMen's Health0.49
romannumeraldateconverter.comFamily and RelationshipsArabic1.02
windsorstatebank.comPersonal FinanceTravel Type1.09

Distribution of domains using Convert over 1 million most popular domains

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Distribution of domains using Convert over domain ages

The average age of websites using Convert is 13.5 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using Convert is 2.65.

5 technologies that are less often used together with Convert

Technology% of use together with ConvertWebsite