Koha - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

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Websites using Koha

Description of Koha: Koha is an open-source Integrated Library System (ILS).

Koha is used by 0.78% of websites in the DMS category.

Science is the most popular main category among the websites using Koha.

Biological Sciences is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using Koha.

The technologies that are most often used together with Koha are Perl, Bootstrap, jQuery UI, jQuery Migrate, jQuery, Apache, basket.js, Font Awesome, Modernizr, Cart Functionality.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using Koha may also be interested in using these other technologies: Perl, mod_perl, basket.js, TablePress, Raphael, Amazon Associates, GoAffPro, Draftpress HFCM, Clicky, Twitter typeahead.js.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using Koha

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with Koha

Technology% of use together with KohaWebsite
jQuery UI100http://jqueryui.com
jQuery Migrate100https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate
Font Awesome75https://fontawesome.com/
Cart Functionality50https://www.wappalyzer.com/technologies/ecommerce/cart-functionality

Technologies that are most interesting for website using Koha, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
Amazon Associates0.07https://affiliate-program.amazon.com.au/
Draftpress HFCM0.07https://draftpress.com/products/header-footer-code-manager-pro/
Twitter typeahead.js0.07https://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js

Distribution of domains using Koha over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to Koha

Koha is an open-source integrated library system that provides extensive functionality for managing a library's collections, patrons, and circulation activities. It includes features such as cataloging, circulation, acquisitions, serials management, and more. Koha is highly customizable and can be adapted to meet the specific needs of individual libraries and library consortia. It is used by libraries of all sizes around the world and is supported by a large and active community of users and developers.

Practical Applications of Koha

1. Library Management: Koha is an open-source integrated library system that is widely used by libraries worldwide for managing their collections, circulation, cataloging, and more.

2. Resource Sharing: Koha facilitates resource sharing among libraries by enabling inter-library loan workflows and allowing patrons to request materials from other libraries.

3. Digital Content Management: Koha can also be used to manage digital content, including ebooks, audio files, and other media.

4. Patron Management: Koha enables libraries to manage their patrons' accounts, including checkouts, renewals, fines, and holds.

5. Reporting: Koha comes with a range of reporting tools, allowing libraries to generate various reports on their collections, circulation, finances, and other aspects.

6. Customization: Koha is highly customizable, allowing libraries to tailor the system to their specific needs and workflows.

7. Accessibility: Koha is designed to be accessible for all users, including those with disabilities, with features such as font size adjustment and screen reader compatibility.

8. Multilingual Support: Koha supports multiple languages, making it a useful tool for libraries serving diverse communities.

Benefits and Advantages of Koha

- Koha is an open-source Integrated Library System (ILS) that is available for free, making it accessible to libraries of all sizes and budgets.
- As an open-source system, Koha can be customized and adapted to meet the specific needs of different libraries.
- Koha provides a wide range of features and functions, including cataloging, circulation, patron management, and reporting, which help libraries to manage their operations more efficiently.
- Koha has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and operate, reducing the need for extensive training and support.
- Koha is continually updated and improved by a global community of developers, ensuring that the system remains up-to-date and responsive to changing needs and technologies.
- Koha fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing among libraries by providing a platform for sharing resources and expertise.
- Koha is designed to be scalable and flexible, allowing libraries to add new features and functions as their needs and budgets change.
- Koha is a cost-effective solution for libraries that want to modernize their operations and improve their services without incurring significant expenses.

Distribution of domains using Koha over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using Koha

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
nmbl.orgScienceBiological Sciences3.44
seknfind.orgBooks and LiteratureGenealogy and Ancestry2.35
irmcmaghreb-bib.orgBusiness and FinanceBusiness1.49

Less popular websites using Koha

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
irmcmaghreb-bib.orgBusiness and FinanceBusiness1.49
seknfind.orgBooks and LiteratureGenealogy and Ancestry2.35
nmbl.orgScienceBiological Sciences3.44

Distribution of domains using Koha over 1 million most popular domains

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Distribution of domains using Koha over domain ages

The average age of websites using Koha is 6.4 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using Koha is 2.44.

5 technologies that are less often used together with Koha

Technology% of use together with KohaWebsite
Google Workspace25https://workspace.google.com/
Google Maps25http://maps.google.com
Matomo Analytics25https://matomo.org
Cart Functionality50https://www.wappalyzer.com/technologies/ecommerce/cart-functionality
Apache HTTP Server50https://httpd.apache.org/