Mastercard - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

Discover the power of data-driven decision making with our Web Usage Statistics and Market Share analytics of Mastercard.

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Websites using Mastercard

Description of Mastercard: MasterCard facilitates electronic funds transfers throughout the world, most commonly through branded credit cards, debit cards and prepaid cards.

Mastercard is used by 4.63% of websites in the Payment processors category.

Style & Fashion is the most popular main category among the websites using Mastercard.

Arts and Crafts is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using Mastercard.

The technologies that are most often used together with Mastercard are Open Graph, Boomerang, core-js, HSTS, HTTP/3, web-vitals, PayPal, LazySizes, Facebook Pixel, Module Federation.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using Mastercard may also be interested in using these other technologies: PayPal, Boomerang, Open Graph, LazySizes, Visa, American Express, TikTok Pixel, BoldGrid, Preact, Google Pay.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using Mastercard

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with Mastercard

Technology% of use together with MastercardWebsite
Open Graph98.92
Facebook Pixel61.67
Module Federation51.87

Technologies that are most interesting for website using Mastercard, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
Open Graph0.26
American Express0.14
TikTok Pixel0.13
Google Pay0.09

Distribution of domains using Mastercard over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to Mastercard

Mastercard is a global financial services corporation that provides a variety of payment solutions and services to individuals and businesses worldwide. It offers credit, debit, and prepaid cards that enable consumers to make secure and convenient transactions at millions of merchants and ATMs across the world. The company also provides payment processing, fraud detection, and data analytics services to merchants, acquirers, and issuers. Mastercard's technology is designed to enhance the speed, security, and convenience of electronic payments, making it easier for people to pay for goods and services wherever they are and whenever they want.

Practical Applications of Mastercard

1. Secure online payments: Mastercard provides a secure and convenient way for consumers to make online purchases, reducing the risk of fraud and online identity theft.

2. Contactless payments: Mastercard's contactless payment technology enables consumers to make payments by simply tapping their card or mobile device at the point of sale, improving transaction speed and convenience.

3. Travel rewards: Mastercard offers a variety of travel rewards programs, allowing consumers to earn miles and points for every purchase they make with their card.

4. Merchant services: Mastercard offers a range of products and services for merchants, including point-of-sale systems, payment processing, and fraud prevention tools.

5. Mobile payments: Mastercard's mobile payment technology enables users to make payments using their mobile phone, improving convenience and security.

6. Global acceptance: Mastercard is accepted by merchants in over 210 countries and territories, making it a convenient payment option for travelers.

7. Financial management tools: Mastercard provides online tools and resources to help consumers manage their finances, including budgeting tools, spending trackers, and fraud alerts.

8. Small business solutions: Mastercard offers a range of products and services designed specifically for small businesses, including payment processing, expense management tools, and business rewards programs.

9. Charity donations: Mastercard facilitates charitable donations through its charitable giving platform, allowing consumers to donate to their favorite causes with ease.

10. Secure access to cash: Mastercard's ATM network provides consumers with secure access to cash at ATMs around the world.

Benefits and Advantages of Mastercard

- Provides a widely accepted payment option for consumers worldwide
- Offers secure and fraud-resistant payment processing
- Can be used for online purchases and in-person transactions
- Provides customers with rewards and loyalty programs for using their Mastercard
- Offers convenient and easy-to-use mobile payment options through various apps
- Enables businesses to accept payments from customers using Mastercard, increasing sales potential
- Provides access to financial services, such as credit cards and loans, for individuals and businesses
- Offers advanced data analytics for businesses to better understand their customers and transactions.

Distribution of domains using Mastercard over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using Mastercard

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
jpurecords.comMusic and AudioRock Music5.85
interfitphoto.comHobbies & InterestsArts and Crafts5.74
riffleshuffle.comHobbies & InterestsGames and Puzzles5.74
capsulestudio.netStyle & FashionFashion Events4.65
pencils.comHobbies & InterestsArts and Crafts4.6
barleans.comHealthy LivingVegan Diets4.55
rzmask.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries4.55
oliveoil.comStyle & FashionBeauty4.53
whiskystones.comFood & DrinkAlcoholic Beverages4.52
valiantcandle.comHobbies & InterestsArts and Crafts4.52

Less popular websites using Mastercard

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
thelovecreations.comHobbies & InterestsArts and Crafts0 FinancePersonal Debt0
myredtag.comStyle & FashionMen's Fashion0
lbmtech.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries0
modeststyle.comEvents and AttractionsPersonal Celebrations & Life Events0

Distribution of domains using Mastercard over 1 million most popular domains

Distribution of domains using Mastercard over domain ages

The average age of websites using Mastercard is 10.2 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using Mastercard is 2.79.

5 technologies that are less often used together with Mastercard

Technology% of use together with MastercardWebsite